So I’ve decide to give this blogging thing a go. Obviously I’m just having a slow day at work. What can I say it’s Friday afternoon and I’m looking out the window at a beautiful day, wishing I were anywhere but here.
I think I want to dedicate my first blog to making the roadways a better place to be. Few things cause me stress like the drivers I have to deal with on the road. I won’t claim to be one of the best drivers out there, as I’m usually one false move away from starting a 7 car pile up, but at least I get where I’m going in a hurry and I try to be courteous to other drivers. I think if everyone on the road followed the 5 rules below, the world would be a better place.
1) On any road with a posted speed limit of 70 km/h or higher, you always drive in the right lane except to pass. This one is without a doubt the top of the list, why some people think the left lane was built for their exclusive use is beyond me.
2) When driving on a signal lane highway always pass the vehicle in front of you. As soon as you choose to follow right behind that person, it make it harder for the next person coming behind you to pass, and then it snowballs until there is 16 cars traveling down the road together like one giant snake, filled with many angry little people. Then for the one guy (me) who decides to make the pass from the back, it becomes about as dangerous as a walk through Regina north central at 3am on a Friday night with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a pack of du Mauriers in the other.
3) Frickin Signal. It does make a difference. And do it before you actually start turning or moving into the next lane, at that point I already know what your doing and it’s kinda pointless.
4) Always drive at least 10km’s above the posted speed limit (weather permitting). Chances of getting a ticket are almost nil and we’ll all get where we’re going a little bit quicker. Those 30 seconds you cost me, because I didn’t get through that light will add up over a lifetime. I don’t want to spend my life sitting in my car at red lights. If you want to drive faster than that it’s cool with me too, but it’s your ticket.
5) Keep cell phone use to a minimum. As soon as you put a cell phone to your ear you start driving like an 80 year old woman with a heavy foot, myself included. At times it’s necessary, but make it quick.
- Others to consider: Turn your lights on, get aggressive at 4 way stops, turn into your first available lane, and learn how to merge.
Any other driving thoughts, please leave them in the comments section.
So this probably isn't a great blog debut, but I’ve always been a slow starter…and a poor finisher. Just ask Michelle.
Go Riders Go.