Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Isn’t it easier just to be civil?

I work in a position where I am often faced with people experiencing frustration with one thing or another and have come to me for assistance. And really, most people are very reasonable, patient, and courteous, but then again, there are many people who are rude, ignorant, and bitchy. Now I don’t think that people always have to act like Mary Poppins, in fact I think it’s a little exciting when things get a little heated in a corporate setting, but as long as it’s done in a professional way. I just can’t understand when people seem to go out of there way to be difficult and hamper constructive conversation.
But really, in the business world most of the people are professional and act accordingly, however out in the “real world”, it is a different story. I was recently behind a woman in line at the photo centre in Wal-mart who seemed to be more miserable than Saddam Hussein when he was living in that hole in Iraq (that must have sucked). I almost felt sorry for her, because she must have had some real problems in life to be that miserable, but more over I really wanted to tell her to get a frickin’ grip and quit infecting the rest of society with what ever has caused her existence to be so dreadful. The poor employees at Wal-Mart did nothing to bring it on, but that poor lady treated them like they insulted her first born (although I don’t see how there is any guy out there who would have procreated with this beastly woman – at least I hope not).
Other places I often see this sort of behavior are hockey games, amusement parks, airports, restaurants, and any political assembly I have ever seen in action.

Have people forgotten what there mothers used to say – “treat others like you want to be treated”

Where is the Respect?!?

Battle of first place teams this labour day…when is the last time that happened? Go Riders Go.


Anonymous said...

Once I was behind a lady in line at the wholesale store, and she was upset that they didn't carry her particular brand cigarette tobacco filters. She was rolling her own and they had the buckets of tobacco, but not the appropriate filters. It was amazing to watch. I believe she was after king size, naturally.

Anonymous said...

Okay okay... so I have heard this many of times in my job, "I'm not angry at you I am just angry at the situation and sorry to vent on you." Thanks for the apology but it was still a personal attack.

Anonymous said...

I'm never sorry to vent on people. Sometimes I will acknowledge that, yes, I know they didn't make the decision, but then put me on the line to someone went to the actual trouble to fuck me over. What good are services such as customer inquiries when they can't answer your question or help you in any way?

My blood pressure is rising just thinking about this. Grrr. Homer mad....

Anonymous said...

I too have seen someone lose it in Wal-Mart and various other low end jobs. I don't get it, those people are doing the best they can and people will set out to destroy them. Seriously our society has become that selfish that if we don't get that death burger in 10 seconds or that right filter even though you obviously don't make the orders for the store that we'd kill because of it. Then drive home. Its brutal. These people that suffer a lot of abuse also don't get tipped. I hate tipping waitresses, seriously what do they do that is so much better that they deserve extra cash? And just as a test to see what wears you out more talk to someone for a minute then yell the exact same thing do you think one will tire you out?

On a random note none of this counts towards bomber fans and other related bomber people. Its all in good fun so break every rule then get shit-faced together. Now thats civil.

Brody said...

It would be a lie to say I always keep my cool in those situations that I experience terrible service, but I like think that I always express my displeasure in a somewhat constructive way. I just don't think it is in me to really tear a strip off people. Even though that trait would come in handy at certain times in life.