Monday, September 10, 2007

a case of the Mondays

So I realize this isn’t a ground breaking discovery or anything…but Monday suck!
For starters I’m always so damn tired. A combination of the trials and tribulations of the weekend, combined with sleeping in on Sunday and thus not being able to sleep Sunday night, and I always seem to be dragging my ass all day at work. I always seem to show up about 10 minutes late, then when I get here I am greeted by all the work that I left from Friday. It always seems like a good idea on Friday afternoon to leave the work until Monday, maybe go home a little early. Plus every few weekends I am actually foolish enough to think that if I take work home on the weekend I will actually do it. But sure enough, when Monday morning rolls around I wake up stressed and tired, with a whole pile of work to do and no energy to do it.
The future Mrs. Brody doesn’t help either, as she doesn’t usually work Mondays and I have to pull my sorry ass out of bed and into the shower while she rolls over and logs another couple of hours. (I know, I know, she has to work Saturday’s, but this is about me ok) The cats don’t even move, they usually just look up at me with there eyes barely open, seemingly thinking to themselves “What the hell man, it’s too early, go back to bed or get the hell out of here”
It also sucks that Monday is so god dammed far away from Friday, which brings the next weekend. All I want to do is have a sleep in and I know that can’t happen until at least 5 days from now. Wouldn’t it be nice to have every Wednesday off, just to catch up in the middle of the week. Now that would be a change in labour laws that I could get on board with.
I’m also depressed at the amount of money I spent, the amount of alcohol and the unhealthy, but delicious food I consumed. The problem is I just love to do all those things so much…it just tastes so good…when it touches my lips.
But I will power through, survive this Monday like so may before it. Tomorrow should be a better day and with determination and will I shall prevail too make it to the Friday five days from now and the weekend that I so desire. Then the golf tournament that is sure to involve multiple alcoholic beverages, poor food, and monetary expenditures that are not in the budget. But at least I will be able to sleep in on Sunday…

The cycle continues.

Go Riders Go.


Anonymous said...

I agree we should implement the 4 day work week and siestas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, nap time. That has been a dream of mine for a long time. I often think about the nap times I wasted back in kindergarden, fooling around and not sleeping. What a fool I was.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Turns out Tuesday's also suck.