When I travel to and from work with so many other people on the roadway and I often wonder how there can be that many other people in this city that are in the same dull 9-5 job that I am. That many people that get up 5 days a week and go to work waiting for the opportunity to go back home again. I wonder what percentage of those people actually enjoy the work they do. What percentage only work to get that pay check. What is most important to this people. Is it their job, their family, their friends… themselves perhaps? What do these people rush home too, how many of them are happy. Do they feel their job is important, that they accomplish something when they leave for the day? Or do they work simply to provide for themselves and their own family, and maybe that is enough. We can’t all walk the streets like hippies after all. We have to eat, we have to drink, and we have to have fun. Is that why we work? Just so we can do all those things outside of work. I hope this isn’t depressing, but if there are lots of people out there that get up in the morning and actually look forward to the job, I am seriously jealous. Truth is every morning I think about how much I don’t want to go to work. I don’t know if I have ever had a job that I looked forward to going to. Except maybe Dairy Queen, and that could just be because I had a crush on the girl I worked with.
So will there be a job out there that I will look forward to going to. I think there is, and I need to find it. I will find it. That is my promise to myself.
So will there be a job out there that I will look forward to going to. I think there is, and I need to find it. I will find it. That is my promise to myself.
If people ask me if I like my job, I say yes. I have a good job and I enjoy my work. Yet, I don't look forward to being here in the morning, and I often can't wait until 5 pm to go home, and the time in between is spent blogging.
Therefore, it leads me to the conclusion that we are inherently an unsatisfied species. No matter who you are or what you do, there are going to be days when you just plain old wish you were doing something else.
I often wish I could golf in the sun every day, but I'm sure if I did that for a living, there would be days where I say, damn, I wish I could just stay in bed today, or go play hockey, or blog, or something.
So, piss on it, I don't believe there is a dream job. In many ways, I have my dream job, but recently it sucks ass.
As the hobo says, it's important to work to live, not the other way around. Or live to watch football and hockey in HD is also a perfectly acceptable slogan.
I think I see your point, and it makes me think more about this. Your right, I will probably always want something different, better, cooler. And Hobo nailed it with the work to live, and that is the motto that I try to live by.
I never really want a job that consumes all my time, no matter how much I like it, because I think family, friends, and HD sports are the most important things to me. But, if I had a job that I liked to be at, (because we do spend a lot of time at the job) and that allowed me time to do those other things. Not that would be sweet.
I wonder what else the magical genie could give me.
That Hobo guy is one smart fella.
I know the job I want is to sit at home plaing videogames, watching HD, blogging and ocaisional binge drinking. Do you know where I can apply???
You are unemployed. I am virtually paying you to do that now.
Where do I apply?
Hey ladiesman217 - how is your car doing, still talking to you and stuff?
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