Friday, November 9, 2007

My Top 10 movies:

10. SuperBad – Super Funny. It might not last long on the list, but right now has to be there.

9. For Love of the Game – For I love baseball, Vin Sulley, and seeing a guys attempt to throw a perfect game.

8. Transformers – Dare I say best action flick ever?!?

7. The 3rd lord of the rings – There were actually people cheering in the theatre when I saw it. Awesome! All three were good, this was my favorite.

6. Ladder 49 – More or less why I want to be a firefighter

5. Rounders – Matt Damon is awesome, and the narration in this movie rules.

4. The Matrix. – At one time my #1, the two sequels were let downs, but I loved the original

3. Shawshank Redemption – Everyone loves this movie. Morgan Freeman at his best.

2. Good Will Hunting – I wish I was a Genius like Will. Plus he’s tough.

1. Crash – If you haven’t seen this movie, rent it (download it) now. I didn’t know much about it the first time I saw it, but have never been so captivated by a movie.


Anonymous said...

Love Crash!!! I think the best thing to do it watch it then watch someone else watch it... Amazing

Anonymous said...

Very interesting list. Tough to comment we because we could spend days bickering on this subjective topic. I have to vouch for most of your list though. But, you can't ignore the classics such as star wars and indiana jones. I am also partial to slap shot and that Maria Carey movie.

Anonymous said...

It is rather subjective. There about 100 movie out there that I am a big fan of, so to throw 10 on my blog is a pretty silly thing to do.I mean I have seen Happy Gilmore more than any other movie made and it isn't on the list.
You know I never watched the Star War movies until I was in universtiy. I thought they were awesome.

Anonymous said...

Transformers could be. some other good picks but I'd replace a few with seven and fightclub.

Brody said...

Yes, Seven is a good pick, I shoudl have had it. And while I know I am in the minority in this - I never really liked fight club.