Monday, December 15, 2008
My last shift
All started right at shift chance, about 5:55pm or 1755, we got called to an MVC - it was a head on, pick-up truck vs firefly. The dude in the firefly appears not to have been wearing his seatbelt and did not fair well, the dude in the truck was fine...not a scratch on him.
After that we went back to the hall and had some supper, then got called out to a local liquor store that had been robbed and the worker got beat up a little. There were 6 cop cars there, and when we walked in all the cops were watching the surveillance video with the guy...haha, it as just like Superbad. It was hard not to laugh. The dude was fine, hurt his pinky.
Went back to the hal again and the guys pulled out the Aerial Tower and let me set it all up and then go up in the basket and o way up and around and down and out. Just mess around or about an hour. Out over the street, touched the top of an evergreen, put it right up to the window on the 2nd floor of the fire hall. Got a great view of the Park.
We had a few other ambulance calls that night, one chest pain, and one broken hip, pretty standard stuff. But at the hospital with the latter the cops had to come and arrest a pt of an Edmonton ambulance after he went loonie in the back of their unit. They had him in cuffs in the hallway where we waiting; he was cursing and swearing, telling them to go ahead and "break my fuckin wrist" They were a bunch of crazy losers in their that night; swearing away, one guy pulled out his own IV, got up, took about 20 minutes to get his stuff together and left. "Trailer Park Night" my lieutenant called it. Hilarious.
Back to the hall for about an hours sleep, then we got called to a vehicle fire at an industrial company. Showed up and found a big ass Tractor on fire. It was already pretty burned up, but we put it out and I got to shoot lots of water, which is always fun. The guys are always willing to show me things.
Got back to the hall, and while cleaning up I went into the house tower to hang some hose we cleaned and got a bucket of water dumped on me. It was freezing and I was soaked, but let's face it...I love it. It was a great last shift.
Combine that with getting done my interview, which went pretty well, I got my EMT certificate, and I got my wife back.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I'm comin' home
Monday marks the first day of the last tour of my practicum. I also have made it to the interview stage of the hiring process for a job our here in Sherwood Park. My interview is Friday, and if it goes well the wife and I could be packing our bags for Alberta in a few months time. I can't believe I might become one of those sellouts that moves to Alberta...but I take solace in that fact that it won't be Calgary.
But nothing is for sure at this point, I think I just need to start getting used to the idea. If we do come this way, it won't be an easy decision.
Other than that my practicum had been going well. I have been to my first fire, I have done CPR on someone - who we brought, and then they died anyway. I've seen a dead person, some sick kids, some very sick people who did nothing to deserve what they have. And after all that I am still sure that this is the line of work I want to be in. I have to admit that it is a good feeling when someone looks at you for help, when you can make there bad day a little better. Sometime it is with treatment, and sometimes it is just by chatting with them.
It's also sort of strange to see how little we do in most cases. We always go through the process to make sure nothing life threatening is going on, then we sort of just make them comfortable and take them to the hospital. For the most part any person willing to chat with a stranger could do the job.
It's not all roses. I can see how some of the guys around the hall would be tough to be around all the time. But that is only about 3 or 4%of the guys. And there is a lot of gross shit...and I mean shit. Blood and shit. I have been to three rectal bleeds. That is just not cool. The shift work is tough, it's really hard on the sleeping patterns. Getting 2 hours here, 3 hours there. I am always very tired by the time I get done my last night, and I am pretty much ruined for an entire day after that. And it can't be healthy jumping up in the middle of the night to slide down a pole. The ol heart isn't supposed to go from 60bpm to 120 in about 3 seconds.
Anyway, I can't believe I am almost done with this schooling thing again. It will be nice to get back to living with my girlfri...I mean wife, Mrs. Brody. It has been long enough living apart.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
They call me Stu...for student
I am currently enjoying my first set of days off. My first tour went pretty well. 2 days and 2 nights. I got about 10 ambulance calls, and by the first night shift I was leading the calls, or “attending”. The other guys pretty much let me run the show until I either don’t know what to do, or miss something, then they step in. I haven’t seen anything really cool yet. Not big trauma’s, or anyone in need of CPR. Just a bunch of pretty sick people. One stroke, one status eclipticus (series of seizures without a return to consciousness). A few chest pains…that sort of thing.
I also got to go on the engine twice. It was pretty much like living my dream when I got to go one the truck. Just like I imagined it…tones go off – “Engine 1-1, engine 1-1…”, everyone runs and gets in their gear and hops on the tuck, lights and sirens to the fire, or in this case to the gas leak. Both calls ended up being not a gig deal. The first was a gas leak after someone didn’t call before they dug. We just had to be there incase while the gas company took care of things. We went to some of the houses to tell people to make sure their windows were closed and to stay inside. Really fancy neighborhood. The 2nd call was a car fire, but when we showed up on scene the bus that was allegedly on fire had driven away…not sure what happened there.
I think I am jinxed in a way that is good for the victims or patients. I have spent approximately 66 hours working or riding along on ambulance/fire truck- including an 18 hours night shift, I still haven’t seen anyone bleeding profusely, not breathing, dead, or even severely injured. I don’t wish any harm on anyone, but if they are going to be hurt, I wouldn’t mind being there. The other night we responded to some dude with abdominal pain, the engine got called out to a vehicle fire, with possible victims trapped inside. The day crew before my night shift got 3 MVC’s (car crash), we got none during the night.
After I get see something ugly I will probably regret looking for it, but I figure I might as well just see if and get it over with. Then I will know if I can take it or not.
But overall it is just awesome being at the fire hall. As a student I don’t really matter, or have an opinion, or any right of any kind, but its all part of earning the respect and earning your place. There are endless little “traditions” that one must be aware off…don’t sit on the leather couches as a student of probie, be the first up in the morning, be at work an hour early, probies are supposed to be the first one to answer the phone…etc, etc.
They have a pole. It actually isn’t that easy to go down- at least in a way that doesn’t make you the focus of jokes and jeers. But I think I finally figured it out during my last shift. I am happy to report that I managed to get a couple hours sleep during the nights. We got one call at 4am, and I managed to get up, get my boots and shirt on, and get down the poll before anyone else. (note-I slept with my pants on so as to save time) It can be pretty hard to wake up, get dressed, get stuff you need, and get in the unit in about 60 seconds at 4 in the morning. The ol’mind had a little trouble keeping up with what is going on.
The other thing I have realized is that hospital wait times are ridiculous even for ems. I will get into this more some other time, but it is scary how long we can wait, even with someone who is somewhat serious.
Be safe.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Life Update
On the good news front I got a call from the fire dept I applied to and will be moving on to the aptitude testing taking place next week. Certainly a move in the right direction.
I go to day 1 of 3 of my hospital practicum tomorrow. It is surgery day so i will be starting IV's and controlling airways....aren't you all glad your not at the Vermilion hospital for a vasectomy tomorrow. Apparently those are quite popular here.
Only 3 weeks left of school. In fact I only have 10 days of actual class left. Exciting. It's been fun but I am ready to be done. Have my med final next Tuesday, but after that it will be a coast to the finish. I somehow ended up as MC for our graduation ceremonies. i could have passed it off to a teacher I'm sure, but it will be easier to do it myself than try and explain to them how I - I mean WE want the day to go.
I didn't vote today. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. Mrs. Brody did vote, so that makes me feel a little better.
later folks.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New Post?
I vote for nap.
Take ca....zzzzzzz
Monday, September 29, 2008
On a need to know basis
- cars – Besides the basics, I know shit about cars. I don’t know what any car made before 1999 looks like, beyond the basic principles I don’t know how an engine works. I don’t really even like talking about cars. Two things I look for in a car-comfort and no break downs. I also don’t like doing any maintenance on them, I can’t even be bother to check the tire pressure or oil on a regualar basis.
- Politics- I don’t really know the difference between “right” and “left”. I get the impression that the “Conservatives” are not conservative at all, and “New Democrats” aren’t new, so why are they called new. I want to care, I want to think that voting matters, but in the back of my head I always think that it doesn’t matter who is in power, they can only do so much and it is all pretty much going to shake out the same way anyway. Plus the elections truly annoy me. I suspect the some of the leaders might actually have good ideas that could make a difference, but because of the “politics” involved they can’t really state what is one their mind because the other parties will be all over it.
- Music/music videos – I seem to be border line retarded (can I say retarded? Hope so) when it comes to music. I can’t seem to understand words of the songs, I can’t remember the names of bands or songs, and I think I just generally miss the point. I seem to advertise the fact that I don’t get music, and I think I do that to avoid embarrassing situation when someone tries to make music talk with me and I have to B.S. my way through it. Last night I drove home from Vermilion and I listened to my audio book the entire way. The only time I shut it off was to see what was on News Talk radio. Not one song. What is wrong with me?
- Soccer – at least I am not alone in this one here in North America. The worlds most popular sport and I feel a little left out that I don’t like it. It would be great to be able to get so into a sport that I want to start a riot at every game. Now that is fun in anyone’s books. Have you seen the movie “Green Street Hooligans”? It is a great show about soccer hooligans – staring Frodo no less.
- NCAA sports- the whole US seems obsessed with their college sports. Again here I feel left out that I don’t get the same enjoyment. I feel like a am missing out on something great. March madness makes sense, but I hate basketball, and I like football, but I have no idea how the hell the determine who the best team is, or who plays in what bowls.
- Food network- seems like more and more of you, my friends, are watching the food network. Now this is something I have never even given a shot, but I still don’t see the appeal. I must be missing something. What is it? It just makes me want to eat, and I can’t cook like they can, so it just seems frustrating.
- UFC- another sport that is very popular and gaining popularity every day. I can appreciate the intensity, but I am somewhat embarrassed to say that I don’t really like watching it. Two grown, very sweaty men rolling around on a blood covered mat. It’s kind of disgusting to me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Congrate JAM!
Congrats for all of us at Show Some Respect blog co. Way Happy for the jambabies!
The Fafours!
(I was going to post pictures but didn't want to be the first to put there images on the world wide web)
Guess who?
Highlights of the night include:
- when approached by a girl who asked him to dance, Talylor told her "Fuck off, I am 37"
- While getting a drink with a guy from my class he complained that the booze seemed watered down. Taylor reached into the tip jar and took out some change and threw it in is cup, saying " There, that should make up for it". The bartender did NOT like that.
-While smoking on the deck, Taylor turned around to a group of guys who were apparently minding here own business and told them to shut up, then got back to his conversation.
-Taylor phoned one of the girls in our class to give him a ride home, then when she showed up he was amazed and said "how did she know we needed a ride"
-Stood on the street outside the bar and yelled "where the fuck are we!" (we were in vermilion on campus)
Those are only a few of the stories I heard the next day. None of it was REAL bad, but in the end I am embarrassed by the night, but my classmates have told me they prefer that version on me more than the sober one. They even said that we should give that personality a separate name. I told them he already has one…It’s TAYLOR!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What to blog about...
- the NFL is great. Did anyone see or hear about the Bronco's going for the two point convert for the win with 24 seconds left rather than kicking the extra point to force OT. Wow, very exciting stuff. I was not so excited about the Vikings loss to the Colts. Tough one.
- I met my niece Bria on the weekend. She as a little cutie. I even held her and she didn't break. Uncle Brody...has a nice ring to it.
- I am supposed to be studying but I have spend about an hour surfing the net. Damn facebook, normally it has little to offer me, but tonight I got in deep.
- i also didn't go to the gym tonight, which is pretty brutal. Can't start slipping now. Need to stay focused here these last couple months.
- anybody know anyone who lives in Sherwood park. I need a place to stay for 6 weeks.
- I got into the show "Rescue Me" It's pretty outstanding. Maybe just for a fire fighter wanna be like me, but I think that is some quality entertainment.
- Good story for you. My roommate tried buying some sort of kitchen appliance on Used Regina for $50. She got back a message that said" i would rather throw it in the garbage then sell it to you for 50 bucks" She showed it to me and we replied "Wow, that is rational thinking. If I offer you $1000 for you car will you drive it off a cliff? hmmm." I thought it was frickin hilarious.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Boo Ya!
I found out today that I got my practicum site at Strathcona County in Sherwood Park. They chose 4 of us from the 18 med students to go there. They are widely regarded as one of the best departments in Alberta and getting by practicum there is a big step in getting a job down the road, should that be the best option for me and Mrs. B. It also can't hurt my chances for any other department. Could be a great reference.
Also, I am officially a licensed Emergency Medical Responder. Next up with be the EMT, which won't be official until I write the provincial exam in February. EMR is only somewhat more qualified than a first-aider, but it's all about baby steps.
Yesterday I sat down on the couch at about 10:30 am. 11+ hours later i got up, having watched about 7 football games, including the riders incredible comeback. Good news it was a great day of watching sports and the riders won, bad news is I did not get much homework done and I lost my opening week of fantasy football. I blame the loss on Carson Palmer and is measly 99 yards passing and Willis McGahee who did not tell me he wasn't playing. A-hole.
I rocked my scenario today when I was incident command at a single story structure fire. I managed 9 firefighters, and had EMS in to save two victims, and managed not to get yelled at. Sure, I gave instructions to ventilate a little early, but I feel the fire was under control.
Tomorrow I get a free lunch.
I get to see the wife in 4 more day.
Life is good everyone... Life. Is. Good.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Stuck in the middle
The way I see it there are about 4 groups of people here at school. The first two I don't have much to do with, the second two I really feel is where I am stuck in the middle.
1) "The Youngsters" - these guys are decent enough, but they are about 8 years my junior. Some of them might be just like me when they are 26 but right now we just don't have much in common.
2) "The Always Go Homes" - there is the group that goes home every weekend. They might be good people but they are never around on the weekend to get to know. They don't seem very interested in hanging with the group.
3) "The Friendly musicians" - these folks are my kind of people...almost. They are super nice, great to visit with, down to earth, and I consider them friends. They really are the kind of people you want to know, the kind of people that make the world a better place. However there is one major problem... our interested are not the same at all. These folks regularity get together on the weekends to "JAM". They are really quite good, I have listened to them often. But it's no secret that I don't do music. I don't know why exactly, but it just doesn't "speak to me" if that makes sense. But that is only half the problem... they don't like sports - ANARCHY, ANARCHY! Not only do they not take an interested in any sporting event, they don't even have TV- NO TV I TELL YOU. No talk about sportscentre, the football game, or ever non related sports shows such as Lost, Heroes, or the Office. Sometimes they try, they will ask me about the riders or the blue jays - but I know they are just amusing me, they don't really care, and they certainly don't care about watching any games. I do think that many of you readers of this blog would like these folks. In fact if some of you were around then it would make the whole thing more comfortable, there could be some music combined with some current events talk. When hanging out with these folks there is way to much just sitting and listening got music that I can't understand and don't care much about, no matter how good they are. And I think they are pretty good.
4) “The Drunken Sports Fans” - This is the other main group that I spend much of my time with. Interestingly enough, the drunken sports fans do not do much hanging with the friendly musicians. Now, at first glance you might ask - what's not to like about a drunken sports fan??? Well the problem is “drunken” comes before “sports fan.” You know those drunken fools at sporting events that are so drunk you know they can't even see the play, and their is no way they will remember the game. All though sports fans most of these guys are still more interested in drinking then they are the game. You get the feeling that to them sports is more off an excuse to drink than a reason to have a drink. I like hanging with these guys but I also am past the days that I need to get wasted on a Tuesday night, and I don’t really enjoy going to the clubs anymore either. What about a good pub fellas??
But in the end it doesn’t matter, I just hope that when I get hired somewhere I fit in with everyone a little bit more.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm not quitting you!
I do not however have much to say. But here are a few things I am excited about:
- NFL football starting tomorrow. F-ya. Go Vikings and go Practice Roster (my fantasy football team)
- JAM's babies ** please note that these items are in no particular order. I do not think football is more important than babies... Hockey yes, football no. :)
- that I only have 8 weeks of school left. Can't wait to get done and get a job.
- that I soon will get to use some of the stuff I have learned.
- I did the fire fit for the last time here at school. It is the worst 2.5 minutes I have ever experienced by far. Total and utter pain like I have never felt. Here again, I mean no disrespect to babies and deliveries
- in 9 days I will get to see my wife... and my new niece who arrived last Saturday courtesy my only sister in law.
- all the TV shows are starting again soon.
- that I still have a blog.
- the leafs traded Brian McCabe. aka. over paid bum.
- that the riders play Winnipeg again this week. haha. They suck. Go riders.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Is it time to pull the plug?
I am sure there will be a overwhelming repose to tell me not to quit, but come on, admit it, I really have been doing a piss poor job. Plus the only things I have to blog about seems to be firefighting, the odd sporting event, and maybe an occasional rant.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
All is good
So just to let you know I am good. Some things still piss me off, but some things have changed. I have cooled down.
Anywho, changing the subject. This weekend is the Brizzy's wedding in which I will be best man/MC. Should be lost of fun. Hope to see you all during my week of starting August 9th.
Take care out there.
How good have the Riders been?!?! Hope we can keep it going in spite of all in injuries.
Monday, July 7, 2008
No Discipline
I am pretty pissed off at my fellow class mates today. It isn’t just one thing, but a number of things that have really got me going. It had been building for a while, and I think I need to vent a little.
It all stems around the fact that I am highly disappointed in the discipline our class is showing as a group. I blame the administration of the school somewhat, and I will touch on that in a bit, but my fellow classmates are starting to let me down.
Not showing up for gym in the mornings…giving a half ass effort at gym… not showing up for class because of whatever reason… lying about assignments being handed in…blaming the teachers for the program for all their problems… complaining… complaining… and more complaining.
Diving a bit more into these; on Friday we have 1/3 of our class missing from gym class. Yep, only 20 of 30 people showed up. One individual also missed gym on Thursday and Monday. That just isn’t good enough to me. On Thursday our fitness instructor didn’t show because he slept in…it happens, but many students, rather than stay and do the 20k bike like we knew we were supposed to, just went home…I just expected more form people. Or there is our test today, several people didn’t study, but when they do poorly they blame the school. Or they did fine and brag about not studying and passing…well way to sneak by champ! One person in out class regularly misses Friday’s and Monday’s and I really don’t see any fallout of this…what message does that send to the rest of us.
I may sound like a bit of a hypocrite about the complaining piece, seeing as this blog is one hug complaint, but people seem to focus so much on the negative it is getting to me. Be happy about the fact that you are here; you could be doing something much, much worse.
As for the administration, I am disappointed at the discipline tactics they use…when I came into this program I was told it was going to be para-military, and I expected to have a bit of a rough go…HA! No freaking way. Did you know that our instructors are not allowed to make us do more than 10 pushups at a time…this is a OH&S guideline. This obviously doesn’t include gym class, but what a joke. I thought I would be doing pushups every time I was late, every time I misspoke or screwed something up. One person in our class missed last Friday because they were to hung-over to come, on Monday the instructor told her that he wasn’t mad, he was more feeling bad for her because he knew how bad she must have felt… FUCK OFF! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!...again, what message does that send to the rest of us.
I thought when I came here I was going to be pushed to improve myself…they told us we would become a different person, and I honesty don’t think I am any more disciplined than I was before I came. It pains me to say that, but I just expected to much more.
It’s not like I find this course super easy, it is challenging academically, physically, and emotionally… at times…but I came here to be pushed…and for the most part I have not been.
Anyway, I think I need to talk to someone at the school about this. I don’t know if it is better in person or in writing but I need to let them know what I think. And I am not alone. There are a few people in the program who are very focused, very dedicated, very disciplined….they make me look like a loser gang banger, and I can’t begin to tell you how much I respect them, how much they inspire me. I just wish there were more people like that. It’s not the course material or content that I have a problem with, it is the overall, general attitude that seems to be prevalent in the group and in the school. It’s like after years of teaching, they have lost some of there heart. I don’t want them to break us like we are in boot camp, but I would like to see consequence for behavior seems to be very clearly unacceptable.
And to my classmates… are you not hear because you want to be…are you not trying to be ready for one of the greatest and most respected professions in the world…do you not respect the sort of effort that takes…do you not respect all the firefighters that have done this before you…are you not worried about how you look and how ready you will be when school is over.
Tell me, please, am I being to hard on people? Am I just expecting to much. It is because I think what I am trying to do here is more special than it actually is. Am I going to be equally disappointed when I get a job after this and see that all firefighters are not what I thought they would be.
Can I take that kind of disappointment and still be in the profession.
Writing this has not made me feel better.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
more randomness
After working out early Tuesday morning I returned home to two cop cars blocking my parking spot and two officers standing by my front door. I thought for a moment that my roommate finally flipped his lid and what up on the roof with a riffle, but it turned out there was some sort of domestic at our neighbors apartment. When I walked by I could still hear shouting. Nothing really exciting came out of it, but it’s always cool when cops are at our door.
The Mrs and I spent part of our long weekend in
Speaking of TV, the riders won and that makes me happy. I watched that game in
Also in E-town we went to Body Worlds – which is an exhibit of actual human cadavers, preserved and placed in interesting positions to allow viewers to see how the body works. Examples were a guy playing basketball, a person sitting and playing chess, or one had two dudes playing football – one talking the other. The have holes or layers cut away to highlight different systems in different models. Very cool stuff. I would recommend this to anyone going to
We all have pet peeves, and I may have more than the average guy. One that has been bugging me lately is people who swear loudly in public. Don’t get me wrong, I swear, at times I swear a lot, but I do not like to swear in the presence of children or seniors. But you get those people in public places that drop the loud f-bombs for everyone to hear and it makes me cringe. I think it is a huge display of disrespect, and by the name of this here blog you now that would not sit well with me. I think it really shows a general lack of character.
I can NOT believe the leafs signed Jeff Finger to a 4 year deal worth 3.5 million per season. Why is it the insist on overpaying players that don’t deserve to be overpaid. It would be one thing if they overpaid Marion Hossa, but they insist on overpaying players like Bryan McCabe, Jason Blake, and Jeff Finger.
I need to do two speeches this week in class. I’m not worried about them, but I am stumped on what topic to do my persuasive speech on. I am doing my informative speech on how to officially score a baseball game, but I can’t decide what to persuade people about. I have thought about sports or driving habits, but it needs to be 20 minutes and I don’t know if those two things will take up enough time.
Monday, June 23, 2008
New Career
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Finally Fire....

These are all Industry fires, the idea being there is a gas leak and we have to get close enough to shut off a valve. Got real up close and personal. Have to say, it was pretty awesome. Next week we move into structure fires.
But enough about fire fighting already...
I'm heading home this weekend. Not looking forward to the drive, but I am excited to get home and see the wife. I am doing a EMS ride along on Saturday, and I am also pretty excited for that. I won't get to get my hands on any patients, but it will be great to see some EMT's in action.
Can we believe that Tiger won the US open are a broken leg? The media is playing it up way to much, but I have to say, that guy makes it exciting to watch golf.
So what else is new... the blue Jays suck, but Riders season is right around the corner. Looking pretty good in pre-season, can't wait to see the green and white defend the cup.
It interesting how everyone around school is getting to know me... for example, I am already well known for my sports knowledge and my back seat driving, and I get bugged about being a banker quite often. Mostly I am known as the married guy. The one structure we put fires out on today (the big flames) is called the widow maker. Being the only married fellow in the group, everyone gave me a shout out when we went in to that one. Luckily I did survive.
Why aren't there more firefighter movies? There are about 1 million cop movies, but the only movies based on firefighters that I know are Backdraft and Ladder 49. Others are sort of about firefighting, like Frequency or Always, but I think there should be more. I would go watch them.
Later gang.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This and that.

What to say, I haven’t talked too many of you in such a long time.
Today me and two others from my class went into
A couple weekends ago I competed in the River land Adventure Challenge. I went with 5 other students form my program and we knew it was sort of for fun but we still planned on wining it. Well it did NOT go well. Started off great, then about 20 seconds in one of our twosomes tipped their canoe. 10 minutes later they were back in but we were so far back we were pretty much the last ones out of the canoes. The 5k run was next, and that went pretty good, can’t really screw up a run, and we made up lost of time, but then the bike started and about 500m in to the 15k I blew my front tire. So then for the rest of the way we had to double one person, or one person ran while the rest biked. At that point it meant we were just having fun, so it was good times. It was less fun when we missed our last turn and instead of being about 500m from the finish we went 5k in the wrong direction, then 5 k back. I was not happy. But all in all a good day. Still glad I did it.
So what else had been going on besides fire stuff? Not much. There really isn’t much going on around here besides school. I am on a slo-pitch team, it’s actually pretty fun. The golf course here is pretty decent and I have put in a few rounds there. And with 9 holes costing only 12 bucks it is dirt cheap. Combine that with watching some Jays games, about 6 phone calls a day with the lovely wife back home and that pretty much is what is going on with me.
Later folks.
Riders are 1-0 in the preseason…nice.
Here are a couple pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Selling the farm
Yep, this past weekend was a big event in the history of Brady farms, Saturday, April 5th marked the day that our family officially got out of farming. I won’t dwell on the financial part of it all, we did ok on the sale, not great, but good enough (I think – you’ll have to ask my dad I guess), but I have to tell you that I know my Grandma was rolling over in her grave – she was always concerned that this day would come. I feel like it is sort of my fault that this day did indeed come ( well, mine and the bros). With no boys in my dad’s brother family, and my Dad’s sisters family settling in Alberta about 40 years ago, it was really up to Luke and I to be the ones to keep the farm going… and we failed miserably. Fact is neither of us really wanted that for our life. For myself, I have always enjoyed farm work, but I new from a young age that I wanted to leave the farm and pursue a different life. I didn’t know exactly what, but I new that it wasn’t going to be in a tractor, combine, or pulling a calf. I’m not sure my parents wanted the farmer life for me either, as they saw many of the tough times of farming throughout the years, and thought I good live a better life doing something else. They always preached that we should find our own way, and we did, and all the power to us, but after 100+ years of farming (we even have the sign to say so), and no one to pass the rains to (no pun intended) the Brady farm is now being forced to “hang them up”, and that is sort of sad. All the hard work that my parents, their parents, and several parents before them put in, building up the livestock, the land, and everything else, is now being sold off or rented out. It’s not all bad though, I am SUPER happy for my folks, as I think they deserve a chance to do something else for their remaining working years before a well deserved retirement. And the “homestead” is not being sold, and I think that it will be a long time before that home quarter is ever vacated by our family. Mom and Dad have many years left there, plus the Uncle and Aunt, and the cousins that built a house on the farm about 10 years ago. Luke claims that he might move back there, not necessarily to farm, but to live and work, and I hope he does.
There is indeed a deep and great history on the Brady farm and I hope it continues to build memories for a long time to come, even if there aren’t any cows mooing, or tractors starting on any given day. Like the say, all good things must some to an end, its just to bad that I know that I am the one that is ending this tradition and legacy.
Here’s to Brady farms… it was a great farm, with a great history, and it will be remembered for a long time. Thanks for the memories.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Who needs those stinking leafs.
Lets play ball.
Plus with playoff hockey only about a little over a week a way, we are entering the glorious time of spring time sports.
Can’t wait to get those golf clubs out. Just like my beloved leafs.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Good with the Bad
So far school has been pretty good… not perfect, but pretty good. First and for most, I think vermilion is a fine town with nice people but I really miss Regina and all that it has. Of course the one thing that vermilion does not have is a wife for me to live with. It has not been easy living away from Mrs. Brody, and this might sound silly, but it’s been harder than I thought it would be. It is such a young group of people in my class, I would say average age of maybe 21. In some cases the “kids” are 18 years old…that means I am a full 8 years older than they are…wow! I don’t consider myself to be old but I feel pretty old compared with some of these folks. What a change going from a corporate setting in which I was clearly the young one to now being one of the old guys, and the only married one. (last night I went to the bar and didn’t have my ID, I just told the bouncer I was 26 and married and he let me right in.) There are definitely a couple of meat heads in the class, but there are also some great people that I can see myself being friends with for a long time. But I’m afraid I am passed my prime years for going to the bar 3 or 4 night a week, I just don’t enjoy it that much anymore. I quite liked my social life in Regina and miss it quite a bit. I feel like I am being thrust back into my early twenties, or even late teens. Sometimes I fell even younger. Last Thurs about 6 of us went biking around town, stopped at other people house to see if they could “come out and play”, we stopped for slurpees, and then went to play video games at the dorms. ( this was actually a lot of fun), but man o man, what a change from a couple months earlier when I was flying to Winnipeg for work, going for a business supper with colleagues, trying different kinds of wine and discussing current events and business ideas. Truth is in my in old job I felt like I was pretending to be older than I feel or am, and now I feel like I am pretending to be younger than I feel or am. I think that is why I miss Mrs. Brody and the rest of you so much because that is really where I feel the most like myself.
In my head I was ready for a very exciting program and with a few exceptions it has certainly NOT been exciting so far. No emergencies, no sirens, no jaws of life, not even any fire. But I must be patient and realize that stuff will be coming soon. On Friday we finally got out bunker gear (stuff you wear in the fires), and helmets (I got one to fit) and in another week or two we will start doing more hands on stuff. I guess we have to walk before we run.
The instructors all seem like good people, but some have no real clue how to teach. I think they will be much better once we get in the field, but in the class room they seem sort of lost. Last Thursday I think we had half a dozen people sleeping during the lecture, and I am not exaggerating at all.
Highlights so far have been that I got to back a fire truck into the bay, and the ambulance too. I also have learned a lot of cool medical stuff that I didn’t know before. I actually am confident that in an emergency I could now help someone. Henning, just give me a call when you are ready to have that baby and I will be all over it.
Most of the time I think about how I can’t wait for the program to be over so I can get back to Regina, get a job, and actually get the opportunity to do the things I hope this job will let me do…mostly I just want to help someone. But I really need to allow myself to enjoy my time here, somehow. So many former students say this is course has been the best time of there lives, and I need to allow for that possibility. I will find my place within the class and I think once things pick up at school I will enjoy my time here much more. And no matter how many negatives I find to dwell on, all I have to do is think about the job that I left and I know that I made the right choice.
Anywho, hope you all are doing well, I will catch up with all of you some time soon.
Take care,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Blogging, so very weak.
Well, in my defense there are two reason for that.
One- I am extremely busy with several things.
Two- those things that are making me busy are all those things that I have been bogging about over that last 4 months and I’m sure you are all sick of hearing about. Wedding, school, and quitting work.
Same shit everyday. I have nothing original left to say about this stuff, and yet these things pretty much dominate my thoughts. So I ask you, how am I supposed to come up with anything else to blog about.
But I thought I would give it a go today over my lunch hour. I was suppose to go out for a farewell lunch with work people but it was canceled do to weather/people have other shit to do. I worry that most of my actual “teamates” at work don’t even care that I am leaving, as they haven’t said much. But I have been getting several very nice notes and cards from people both in my company and outside whishing me luck and telling me that I will be missed. I sincerely appreciate it when they do. People should quite there job more often, because it is a real moral boost when people come up and say all these nice things about you.
But there I go again, on and on about the same old shit.
So how ‘bout this weather… Brutal, hey.
Played some shinny last night, now there is an activity that I have never NOT enjoyed. It’s always a good time going out a messing around with some fellow shinniers slapping the ol’ disk around for a hour or so. Even though my toes were frozen and I fell and hurt me elbow it was good times. Why doesn’t a guy do that sort of thing more often? (Rhetorical question)
Well enough for now. Talk to you again in about another 10 days or so…
Friday, February 1, 2008
NEWS RELEASE – Brody to cease Top 10 effective immediately
I am in truth concerned about the long term sustainability of this fair blog of mine. For after Feb 15th I will no longer be at this job of mine in which I can waste hours every week doing this bloging thing. What, am I supposed to do this on my own time?
I hope I can manage to still get up the odd post, but I don’t really know what the time demands will be once I become a fire putter outer in training.
This is just a heads up bloggerville, I’d like to ease you into this time of transition.
I Want Respect Management.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Business Trips

I recently return from a two day business trip to Winterpeg , and this will likely be my last business trip for sometime… maybe ever. Early in my career I found it quite exhilarating to go on a business trip. Having your company pay for flight, meals, hotels, pretty much everything is a treat, but I after doing it a few times the novelty wears off quickly.
I was always surprising to me how many people travel on business. I think the majority of flights within Canada contain more business people than people traveling for personal reasons. Maybe this doesn’t surprise most of you, but for me, when I went on my first with RBC I thought I was special in a way, a fortunate soul who was getting a bit of a benefit getting to travel, but then I looked around most others we also the business type, traveling alone, wearing a suit…I was just a face in the crowd, not special at all. What a blow to my ego.
The reasons not to enjoy traveling are many:
First and for most are Airplanes and Airports. You have to arrive a hour early (or more), then stand in line to check your bags, then stand in line at security, then you wait at the gate, then stand in line there, then you wait to get in your seat, wait to the plane taxi’s to the runway, wait until you arrive, wait until you taxi to the gate, wait to get off, wait for bags, wait for taxi’s…and so on. I am not a patient person and I do not enjoy waiting. Especially in an airport where everyting seems to be hurry up and wait. There are delays – especially in winter. Nothing like spending two hours sitting in an airport waiting for your flight to leave. Serious Boredom. On your luckiest days you manage to strike up a conversation with an interesting stranger. I don’t fit on planes either, there is no head room and no leg room. I literally can’t even stand up straight on the Air Canada Jazz flights, my head hits the roof. I’m also not a big fan of flying period; it makes me a little nervous. I don’t trust the airlines that they would ever tell me if there was something wrong, and when I don’t have any control it bugs me. If I could drive the thing I’m sure I would enjoy it much more.
Cabs – well let’s face it, I am one of the biggest back seat drivers on earth. I would much rather be behind the wheel then letting some two bit cab driver get me around. Plus they are dirty and expensive- and I have to wait for them.
Hotels – I don’t have a huge issue with hotels, I’m not picky, but I just can’t sleep in them. Often they are too hot, too bright, and too noisy. Thus I always feel tired when I’m traveling. Having to get my drinking water out of the bathroom tap also disgusts me a little. For some reason I also relate hotels to hangovers – I always seem to wake up in a hotel room hungover, which is not a good thing.
Eating – it’s pretty much impossible to eat healthy on the road. Eating in restaurants you usually eat to much, it’s possible to order reasonably healthy food, but I just eat too much. It’s dificult to eat between meals so I am too hungry when it comes time for the next meal. When at the hotel, unless you pack something, the only food available is junk food. And not that I should complain, but every meal seems to come with beer or wine, and while enjoyable, not good for my waistline. All this causes me to get indigestion and feel like a large bag of poop. Yes, I’m sure with the proper planning and will power I could eat better on the road, but it is mighty difficult thing to do.
I’m sure someday I will miss the chance to get out of the city once in a while on an all expense paid trip somewhere, but not for a while. Maybe the problem is that I never really got to go any where cool. All my road trips have been to Calgary, Winnipeg, or Saskatoon…not exactly my list of top destinations. I went to a conference in Banff, which may have been cool if I hadn’t been there 5 times before. Lots of people in my company went to places like Vegas, Vancouver, Toronto, Nashville.. all places I would like to go someday, but never got the chance to do it while employed in the corporate world.
Somehow I doubt the fire department sends many people on business trips to Vegas. Maybe if more hotels keep lighting on fire...

Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm back
Prior to leaving I was told that my blogs were getting a little “sappy” and I can’t argue with that. What with all the wedding stuff, Christmas, and the end of another year there was just too much mushy stuff to talk about. But enough of that, it ended with my crying at the reception, I will now refocus my posts on random rants on random subject, with the odd personal story if it fits.
I guess the obvious thing would be to talk about Cuba, but I really don’t know where to start. Most of my readers were there, so they know it was wicked good times, and for those of you who weren’t, I will give you the low down sometime face to face. There are plenty of pictures and face book and the now Mrs. Brady and I will get some pics up there soon. A quick summary of Cuba though. Long flights, nice hotel, ok food, awesome wedding, creepy Europeans, great GREAT times, lots of rum punches, pepto and Imodium, cigars, jeeps, hangovers, beautiful weather, relaxation, sweet Chinese food, Havana, shark, lizards, and dominos. I don’t know what else to say.
I will add that I hate ESPN. It is a junk station with junk programming. Even though my beloved TSN Sportscentre is basically the little sister to ESPN version, their version is a shit show that jumps all over the place spending the entire time talking about basketball then football, then basketball, then football, and so on. Junk. I had so much hockey to get caught up on when I got back. That station creates a deep hatred within me for our neighbors to the south. I could never live there for sports reasons alone.
Speaking of hating Americans…Cuban’s hate Americans with a passion. I can’t blame them really, for as long as most people can remember the US has basically treated Cuba like a cancer of the face of the earth. Granted I’m not completely up to speed on all the issues, but it seems pretty silly to me that after all this time the relationship hasn’t been fixed. Can’t we all just get along…oh, getting sappy again.
And speaking of hockey, I am pumped the my leas fired their GM, John Fergeson Jr. He never really got it together. Now we got a 72 year old, who man or man not be senile. But al least it isn’t Glen Healy. I hate to say it but they need to trade away Mats for a boat load and get this team in a rebuilding phase that will allow us to compete again in a few years.
Well I think that’s enough for now. It’s good to be back in the world of blogging. Talk to you all soon.