Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blogging, so very weak.

I know, my bloging had been absolutely atrocious. It’s likely that no one will even read this because you have all given up on me as I never post anything new.

Well, in my defense there are two reason for that.

One- I am extremely busy with several things.
Two- those things that are making me busy are all those things that I have been bogging about over that last 4 months and I’m sure you are all sick of hearing about. Wedding, school, and quitting work.

Same shit everyday. I have nothing original left to say about this stuff, and yet these things pretty much dominate my thoughts. So I ask you, how am I supposed to come up with anything else to blog about.

But I thought I would give it a go today over my lunch hour. I was suppose to go out for a farewell lunch with work people but it was canceled do to weather/people have other shit to do. I worry that most of my actual “teamates” at work don’t even care that I am leaving, as they haven’t said much. But I have been getting several very nice notes and cards from people both in my company and outside whishing me luck and telling me that I will be missed. I sincerely appreciate it when they do. People should quite there job more often, because it is a real moral boost when people come up and say all these nice things about you.

But there I go again, on and on about the same old shit.

So how ‘bout this weather… Brutal, hey.

Played some shinny last night, now there is an activity that I have never NOT enjoyed. It’s always a good time going out a messing around with some fellow shinniers slapping the ol’ disk around for a hour or so. Even though my toes were frozen and I fell and hurt me elbow it was good times. Why doesn’t a guy do that sort of thing more often? (Rhetorical question)

Well enough for now. Talk to you again in about another 10 days or so…


Derek Murdoch said...

*fart sound with two thumbs pointing down*

I will say this, quitting work is usually good because people are always happy that you are moving on to something new and usually better. People at my last job were happy for me, and some were jealous, but all made an effort to offer me congratulations and tell me I will be missed and will do a great job at the new place. Little do they know...

It's nice be missed once in a while.

Also, my ex-co-workers chipped in and gave me a gift certificate to Home Depot, which made quitting well worth it.

Anonymous said...

You wanna know how to do it? you bring back the top 10.

For example the top ten reasons Pee Wee is not as tall as anyone else.

Or you can research things like what vien Zednick cut and show anatomy things to show how tragic it was or the video to make people puke.

Or do what Murdoch does mash the key board with your face, what come out is what you get, to mix it up google then mash.