After working out early Tuesday morning I returned home to two cop cars blocking my parking spot and two officers standing by my front door. I thought for a moment that my roommate finally flipped his lid and what up on the roof with a riffle, but it turned out there was some sort of domestic at our neighbors apartment. When I walked by I could still hear shouting. Nothing really exciting came out of it, but it’s always cool when cops are at our door.
The Mrs and I spent part of our long weekend in
Speaking of TV, the riders won and that makes me happy. I watched that game in
Also in E-town we went to Body Worlds – which is an exhibit of actual human cadavers, preserved and placed in interesting positions to allow viewers to see how the body works. Examples were a guy playing basketball, a person sitting and playing chess, or one had two dudes playing football – one talking the other. The have holes or layers cut away to highlight different systems in different models. Very cool stuff. I would recommend this to anyone going to
We all have pet peeves, and I may have more than the average guy. One that has been bugging me lately is people who swear loudly in public. Don’t get me wrong, I swear, at times I swear a lot, but I do not like to swear in the presence of children or seniors. But you get those people in public places that drop the loud f-bombs for everyone to hear and it makes me cringe. I think it is a huge display of disrespect, and by the name of this here blog you now that would not sit well with me. I think it really shows a general lack of character.
I can NOT believe the leafs signed Jeff Finger to a 4 year deal worth 3.5 million per season. Why is it the insist on overpaying players that don’t deserve to be overpaid. It would be one thing if they overpaid Marion Hossa, but they insist on overpaying players like Bryan McCabe, Jason Blake, and Jeff Finger.
I need to do two speeches this week in class. I’m not worried about them, but I am stumped on what topic to do my persuasive speech on. I am doing my informative speech on how to officially score a baseball game, but I can’t decide what to persuade people about. I have thought about sports or driving habits, but it needs to be 20 minutes and I don’t know if those two things will take up enough time.
The dead people this is gross, I will never go there.
Persuasive arguments. Well if you google it I am sure you'll find formats to follow. They'll run along the lines of state your general cause, present other cases and their failures and then restate your cause with examples of why they are better and how they improve.
Really the trick is the critical argument. Think of something that intrigues you ie. photography. Find definite truths about it and then incorporate your own ideas. As long as your base it right you can do no wrong.
It would also work if you started like this, pull out a picture of Pee Wee. Say, "This is my friend Tyler, he tells me he is average height but I tell you he is short" pull out picture of you and Tyler together, preferably one were you both have pants on. Say "See Tyler is shorter than me so I say he is short". The argument is solid as it is all about perspective, your perspective.
haha. That is a solid idea. It would be better if I could have the real thing here for the presentation. I do after all need two visual aids.
We were supposed to do them today, and I was somewhat prepared, but after only seeing two out instructor canceled the rest of the day, saying that we were doing them wrong. So we get a little more time now.
I will gladly come help you out. In university a TA told us how do write an essay using the following example:
Canada is great because of hockey, beer, and the cbc.
Then he instructed us to go on to explain why each is great, then conclude it. When I did my paper on that exact topic, I failed, as it was a European history course or something. however, after the debacled cbc sports broadcasts in recent years, my position has changed drastically.
You could do it on why the leafs suck.
Is swearing on blog acceptable, or is it public?
I agree though. I know I'm getting older when I get pissed off at young drunk kids making such disreptable acts in public. damned teenagers.
ug, I am getting old aren't I. Ranting like my grandfather.
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