Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Isn’t it easier just to be civil?

I work in a position where I am often faced with people experiencing frustration with one thing or another and have come to me for assistance. And really, most people are very reasonable, patient, and courteous, but then again, there are many people who are rude, ignorant, and bitchy. Now I don’t think that people always have to act like Mary Poppins, in fact I think it’s a little exciting when things get a little heated in a corporate setting, but as long as it’s done in a professional way. I just can’t understand when people seem to go out of there way to be difficult and hamper constructive conversation.
But really, in the business world most of the people are professional and act accordingly, however out in the “real world”, it is a different story. I was recently behind a woman in line at the photo centre in Wal-mart who seemed to be more miserable than Saddam Hussein when he was living in that hole in Iraq (that must have sucked). I almost felt sorry for her, because she must have had some real problems in life to be that miserable, but more over I really wanted to tell her to get a frickin’ grip and quit infecting the rest of society with what ever has caused her existence to be so dreadful. The poor employees at Wal-Mart did nothing to bring it on, but that poor lady treated them like they insulted her first born (although I don’t see how there is any guy out there who would have procreated with this beastly woman – at least I hope not).
Other places I often see this sort of behavior are hockey games, amusement parks, airports, restaurants, and any political assembly I have ever seen in action.

Have people forgotten what there mothers used to say – “treat others like you want to be treated”

Where is the Respect?!?

Battle of first place teams this labour day…when is the last time that happened? Go Riders Go.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Brady Bunch

I said in my last post that I would find a frustration to rant about. Well you know what I’m sick of… no, well let me tell ya. It’s people making jokes to me about the fucking “Brady Bunch”. It was cool for like 5 minutes when I was 10 and realized there was a television show that featured my last name. But shortly there after I realized the show was lame and yet everyone knows about it. It reminds me of the movie Office Space, when everyone asks Michael Bolton if he has a relation to the singer. It is tiring, especially when one of my coworkers, superiors, or elders, makes reference to the show and I have to put forward my best fake laugh. At least with my peers I don’t have to pretend and can just stare at them with a look that clearly states my feeling to that same old joke.

Ok, I feel a little better now.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Siskel and Brody at the movies

So I still haven’t proactively let anyone know that I started a blog, and this is only my 2nd post. But earlier this week someone at my office from the communications team told me that I should think about a career in advertising or communications after an e-mail I sent out to our entire Regina office was well received. Now I’m think I’m John frickin’ Grisham and everyone wants to see what I have to write about. Then again, during a performance review a while back my former boss told me that I have poor writing skills and asked me if I ever read books – yes I read, but thanks for making feel like a 7th grade drop out. So for now, I guess I will stick to writing my blog that no one reads.
I went to the movie Live Free or Die Hard last night with a few of the boys from back home that were in the city. It is the 4th movie I have been to in about a week and a half. Even for me, a self proclaimed movie junkie, a lot for that amount of time. Here’s a quick run down and my brief opinion on each, which I know my readers value immensely.
Bourne Supremacy – Matt Damon – The 3rd movie in the Bourne Series based on the Novel’s by Robert Ludlum. Come critics have said it is the best of the three and I have to agree. This was a great show- good story line, good action, good everything. Best action movie I’ve watched in a long time. I might be partial as Matt Damon may be my favorite actor currently in the business (except for Vinny Chase). With movies like Good Will Hunting, Rounders, The Departed, all the Bourne’s, the Oceans movies, and Stuck on You, he never fails to entertain me (Ok, I’m completely kidding about the last one…terrible, terrible movie, but we’ve all made our mistakes.)

The Simpson’s- The Simpson Family – This movie could never be bad, there hasn’t really been a bad Simpson’s episode in the what, like 46 years the show has been running. I don’t think it the best comedy in years, but they did a good job (I’m sure they are happy to have my opinion on the job they did.) It’s pretty much a 90 minute Simpson’s episode, just a little better. Homer is classic as usual.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry – Adam Sandler and Kevin James – Have you all seen that Family Guy episode where Stuey goes to see the movie Bewitched, then in the middle calmly gets up, walks out of the theatre, flies to LA, buys a ladder, goes to Will Ferrell’s house, climbs the ladder, rings the door bell, then when Will Ferrell answers he punches him in the face and says “THAT’S NOT FUNNY!”. Well that’s exactly what I would like to do to Adam Sandler after seeing this show. Only good thing is that the movie crashed for about 10 minutes, so after the show everyone in the theatre got a free movie pass. At first I thought they gave us the passes just because the movie SUCKED.

Live Free or Die Hard – Bruce Willis – I laughed a lot during this movie, way more than I did at Chuck and Larry. I don’t think this will be a movie for everyone, but I found it thoroughly entertaining. Between the hilarious dialogue of the guy from the Mac/PC commercials and the ridiculous action sequences (Bruce Willis actually knocks a guy out of an air born helicopter by running over a fire hydrant and hitting the guy hanging out the side of the chopper with the water) there was always something good for a giggle. This movie didn’t try to take itself to serious and I think it’s a great action/comedy. An easy watch for anyone, it would probably make a great hangover movie. For my techie buddies (you know who you are) there is a lot of cyber terrorism type stuff going on, I’d like to know if any of it is feasible, not that it matters.

Next post I will have to write about something else. I like movies to much and what fun is it writing a blog if you can’t rant about something you hate. I’ll build up some old frustrations for next time.

Go Riders Go!