Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life Update

The stress level was about an 8 out of 10 earlier today...down to about a 5-10 now, but there is much to much happening right now.

On the good news front I got a call from the fire dept I applied to and will be moving on to the aptitude testing taking place next week. Certainly a move in the right direction.

I go to day 1 of 3 of my hospital practicum tomorrow. It is surgery day so i will be starting IV's and controlling airways....aren't you all glad your not at the Vermilion hospital for a vasectomy tomorrow. Apparently those are quite popular here.

Only 3 weeks left of school. In fact I only have 10 days of actual class left. Exciting. It's been fun but I am ready to be done. Have my med final next Tuesday, but after that it will be a coast to the finish. I somehow ended up as MC for our graduation ceremonies. i could have passed it off to a teacher I'm sure, but it will be easier to do it myself than try and explain to them how I - I mean WE want the day to go.

I didn't vote today. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. Mrs. Brody did vote, so that makes me feel a little better.

later folks.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Post?

I am sitting here, watching the news about yet another snow bird crash and I was thinking that I should write a blog about something. But I also want to have a nap. It has been a very busy and fairly stressful week.

I vote for nap.

Take ca....zzzzzzz