Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I came to the realization recently that I am pretty much average in everyway…. I am average height, average weight, average intelligent, average wealth (for my age), average looks, average …umm size, average house, average car. I am average at most sports, which means that I can pick up a sport and in a short amount of time I can look like I know what I am doing, then after a while I just quite improving, I never become the best. I was an average student; I had a pretty average childhood, with an average family. I think I am an average boyfriend, (with an above average girlfriend), an average friend period, an average contributor to society, and I know fairly average people, no one famous, and no one particularly pathetic either. I have average knowledge about sports, politics, history, and current events. I can drink an average amount and I eat an average amount. Basically I came in or around the middle in almost everything.

I also think I am ok with this. I think it allows me not to create great expectations of myself, and yet when I do excel I get lots of credit. It allows me to blend into the crowd, so to speak, and never get signaled out or identified as the scapegoat or failed leader in any project or event, and again, if I do step up, I get noticed. It might make me a little boring, and that is a little concerning, but I will get over it.

There are some areas that I vary for the average. Let’s start with below average. I am way below average about knowledge in music, in artistic talents, and in organizational skills. I think I am above average in the speed I drive around the city, in NHL games on playstation, and in the amount of movies I go to.

The key is, I think this all may be adding up to a pretty dammed good life. Maybe it’s above average, maybe it’s not, but I do like where it is going. I think I just reached above average happiness for the day.

And I certainly cheer for an average sports teams. Average at best. – Go Riders Go.


Derek Murdoch said...

Interesting life of mediocracy. I wouldn't know what that is like, what with my above average everything. Except, possibly, maybe but I'm not sure, height. I'm extraordinary in every other category. Oh yeah, except right field.

You seem very content with your lot in life. Interesting strategy. If I don't get my hopes up, I'll never be disappointed. Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I am very content. You may have noticed that I didn't talk about my job. I didn't so that purposely, but I think it shows that I am not content with that aspect of my life. Not that it is below average, I just get below average satisfaction from it.

Anonymous said...

And this is a very average blog.
