Friday, September 14, 2007


Well it appears that winter is coming. I got up this morning, did my regular routine, saw the sun shining in through the curtains, and surmised that it must be a pretty nice day. So with my toast in hand, out the door I went ready for another wonderful day of fun and frivolity at the work place, only to discover two very disturbing things. One was that the future Ms. Brody was parked behind me and I would have to ask her to move her car, knowing that she would yell, curse, and hit me for disturbing her morning routine (she’s not a morning person). And two, and even worse than the abuse that I was surely about to receive, all my windows were completely covered in frost. Not only was I already late for work, but I had no idea where my scraper was and moreover I was just not mentally prepared for scraping my windows and what it represents. Memories of winters gone by flashed through my head as I remembered what the next 6 months unquestionably hold. Months of frozen fingers, shivering, shoveling snow, bad roads, cold legs in dress pants, cars that won’t start, plugging in cars, cold wet feet, god awful terrible fucking traffic, and so on…

It’s just too soon. I’m not ready to be done with summer.

Go Riders Go.


Derek Murdoch said...

At least you didn't reach your car to find that someone had written 'tyler sucks' in the frost on your back window.

I bought a new scraper in March when they were all on sale. First used this morning. score.

Anonymous said...

See you just have to have fun with what your given! Emery 1 Tyler 0!Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay hold on a minute here... did you receive any beatings, no! What did you get, "sure I will move my car just give me a moment, sure you can use my scraper, sure you can throw it on the lawn when your done instead of handing it to me." I think someone is upset because the current weather is a harsh reminder of 2 years past... that right I said it, WADENA!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that's call a cyber slap.

Anonymous said...

haha...ya ok, that may be a somewhat more accurate depiction of events.