Thursday, November 1, 2007


So another Halloween has come and gone, and I and a few others around here noticed that there weren’t many kids out last night. Maybe it was just coincidence that our neighborhoods were slow, but I wonder if Halloween still offers that same excitement that it did when I was a youngster. I’m not sure there was a day of the year that I liked more when I was between the ages of 5 and 11. My mom never really kept junk food around the house, but on Halloween I got to get pounds of it and kept it all to myself. Man did I love that stuff.

But besides the candy, the whole dress up in a costume thing was hug for me. Some of my greatest costumes were Zoro, Batman, Leonardo from TMNT, an astronaut, a guy who got beat up, a cowboy, amongst many others. I think the batman was the best.

I don’t know if the kids these days are putting forward a good enough effort. I think next year I will give out Candy depending on the quality of the costume. A full blown, home made costume that shows great effort will get a bag of chips, a chocolate bar, and a bag of nibs. A ghost will just get a chocolate bar, and a kid in jeans with a crappy mask on will get a single piece of gum- and it won’t be double double. Plus I want to see enthusiasm when you say trick or treat! And show some manners, a thank you sir wouldn’t hurt anyone.

The rating system will have to be further developed, but you get the idea. No more hading out Candy just because you show up at my door. As for the kid last night, who came at about 9:00 and asked if he could have the rest of my candy just because he was likely my last “customer”, he might just get a swift kick in the ass. And the kid who said marry Christmas, he might get a punch in the nose. Happy Halloween you little $#%*!


Anonymous said...

I think a penalty should be put in place for the kid that asks for more... steal his candy bag.

As for me I will get all jacked up on sugar for another year, delicious chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Like the Halloween Nazi. No Candy for you!

I like it.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you man! I like the ones that stay in character. The robber that sticks me up, or the pirate that tells me to walk the plank if they don't get some booty. And they need to yell Trick or Treat, no walking up to the door and staying quite.

1 Candy - Being there
2 Candy - Yelling Trick or Treat and an OK costume
3 Candy - Dressed up and in total character.

Anonymous said...

I agree two hundred percent. In fact I think that's why I like to still dress up on halloween. Maybe it's me desperately trying to hold on to my youth, but I still get a rise out of it. For instance, as Dr. House this year I was entitled to be a saracastic asshole to everyone, which worked great until this one chick didn't know who house was.

I usually make kids sing songs for treats.

Also, if their costume sucks, give them an apple or something you know their mothers won't let them eat. Perhaps a bowl of cereal, a celery stick, or a can of dental floss.

These kids gotta start taking some pride in their costume and putting a little effort into this sport.

Oh yeah, my best costume ever was spiderman. The real one, none of this toby maguire bullshit.

Anonymous said...

This blog goes well with your post on September 18th!

Anonymous said...

Is that becasue it shows that I am getting old? I guess it's true.