Friday, December 28, 2007

Top 10 most anticipated moments in 2008

2008 is already shaping up to be on of the biggest and most significant, if not the most significant year in the life of your’s truly. Here are some of the reasons:

10. Another great year of sports – what’s the best thing about Sports – there is always next year. 2008 brings new hope for my Leafs, Jays, Vikings and for the Riders to become Back-to Back Champs.

9. The Brady Farm Auction – it will be a sad day when all the equipment goes up for auction in March. But I think it’s great that the folks are moving on to enjoy something else for a few years. After farming his whole life I know pop’s is looking forward to a change – which will likely be golfing and biking the whole summer.

8. Quitting my job – Sure the conversation will be a little awkward, but I will have a real sense of relief when I know that my days here are over. I honestly don’t know if I will miss it at all. The paycheck sure, but the job, no.

7. Practicum – Nearing the end of 2008 I should go on a practicum with an actually fire department somewhere out there. I can’t wait for that first time the bell sounds and we hope in the truck. Obviously I have a lot of learning to do before that but I can’t help but be excited to actually be on a real call of some sort, whether it is a fire, an accident, a gas leak, or a cat in a tree.

6. The Bizzes Wedding – It’s not everyday I get to be the best man for a great pal. I totally want one of those best man patches like on You, Me , and Dupree. I hope my outfit has a tie so I can put it on my head. Heads up Brizzes…Heads up.

5. Wedding Reception – I’m looking forward to this, but I also have some reservations. Is it going to be fun if I can’t turn into Taylor and put my tie around my head? I just hope everyone else has fun.

4. Cuba week 2 – aka. Honey moon. After a week of bozzing and weddings I will be ready for some serious R&R with the then Mrs. Brady. It’s going to be sweet to just hang out and enjoy each others company and do all the things in Cuba that we couldn’t do the first week. This will be the first time I have had more than 8 days off in a row since I started working with the bank back in Feb 05.

3. Fire College – well I’ve got to get a place to stay still, and I am truthfully a little nervous but it’s got to be done, and it should be somewhat fun. I found out two days ago that I start on Feb 19, not March 12 like I thought. I am panicking just a little. I just hope I can get a job when it is all said and done.

2. Cuba week 1 – Not only do I get to marry my beautiful bride, but I get to party with some of my best friends and family for 7 days plus. I think it will be ridiculously good times, from the flight down there with 40+ people that I know, to the wedding of 56 people, or to what I’m sure will be some great partying. Here we come Sol Palmeras. Only 10 short days away.

1. The Unkown – I look forward to all those new challenges, opportunities, and moments that they next year will bring. Sharing the year with old friends, new friends, old family, new family. All signs indicate that this year will be full or more great times in this crazy, wonderful life that I have.


Anonymous said...

quiting the job would be my number one, its always fun b/c you have that time knowing you are quiting but no one else knows so you have fun at work cause you just don't care.

Anonymous said...

That's true. I am pretty much checked otu already. I was in a somewhat frustrating meeting this morning and at oen point I just sat back and said -"you know what, what do I care if this goes my way, I'm outa here in a month a a half.

Anonymous said...

livin the the dream!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the free blog publicity. Cuba is getting closer.......

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to marry this "Crazy" (wink wink) guy. I look forward to two weeks in the sun relaxing. Just worry that 2008 is going to go past so quickly becasue of all the things going on. Looking forward to 2009 when I can acutally live with my husband.

Anonymous said...

You're turning into a sap ;)

Anonymous said...

Brody has always been a sap. 4 more sleeps!!!!