Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Congrate JAM!

Welcome to both Sweet and Salty - two great looking babies.

Congrats for all of us at Show Some Respect blog co. Way Happy for the jambabies!

The Fafours!

(I was going to post pictures but didn't want to be the first to put there images on the world wide web)


Anonymous said...

What do we call JAM now?


Good work fafards.

Also, Brody were you drunk typing this blog? Many typos that are typical of drunken blogging. I know.

Anonymous said...

Also, good to hear Taylor was out and about.

Brody said...

Drunk? I only see three typos, the was the forgotten s on congrate, "for" instead of "from", and I used the wrong "their". Many poor sentences but that was kind of intentional. Ok, so maybe it was pretty bad.

You do get the use of faFOURS instead of Fafards, right?

But in any case, most of my posts are full of typos, poor spelling, and grammatical errors. Why should this one be any different?

I vote for JAMAT. Rolls off the tongue easier.

Anonymous said...

It's part of a healthy breakfast. JAM and a drink of Apple Juice Mixed with Grapefruit Juice.