Monday, September 29, 2008

On a need to know basis

Inspired by DM’s blog on getting his car fixed, here is a list of things that I really should learn/know more about. I see myself as a fairly intelligent person and as such don’t know why I can’t figure these things out. Some of them are a problem just because they are popular things that I can’t keep up with in the conversation, others really are things I need to figure out to make life easier.

- cars – Besides the basics, I know shit about cars. I don’t know what any car made before 1999 looks like, beyond the basic principles I don’t know how an engine works. I don’t really even like talking about cars. Two things I look for in a car-comfort and no break downs. I also don’t like doing any maintenance on them, I can’t even be bother to check the tire pressure or oil on a regualar basis.
- Politics- I don’t really know the difference between “right” and “left”. I get the impression that the “Conservatives” are not conservative at all, and “New Democrats” aren’t new, so why are they called new. I want to care, I want to think that voting matters, but in the back of my head I always think that it doesn’t matter who is in power, they can only do so much and it is all pretty much going to shake out the same way anyway. Plus the elections truly annoy me. I suspect the some of the leaders might actually have good ideas that could make a difference, but because of the “politics” involved they can’t really state what is one their mind because the other parties will be all over it.
- Music/music videos – I seem to be border line retarded (can I say retarded? Hope so) when it comes to music. I can’t seem to understand words of the songs, I can’t remember the names of bands or songs, and I think I just generally miss the point. I seem to advertise the fact that I don’t get music, and I think I do that to avoid embarrassing situation when someone tries to make music talk with me and I have to B.S. my way through it. Last night I drove home from Vermilion and I listened to my audio book the entire way. The only time I shut it off was to see what was on News Talk radio. Not one song. What is wrong with me?
- Soccer – at least I am not alone in this one here in North America. The worlds most popular sport and I feel a little left out that I don’t like it. It would be great to be able to get so into a sport that I want to start a riot at every game. Now that is fun in anyone’s books. Have you seen the movie “Green Street Hooligans”? It is a great show about soccer hooligans – staring Frodo no less.
- NCAA sports- the whole US seems obsessed with their college sports. Again here I feel left out that I don’t get the same enjoyment. I feel like a am missing out on something great. March madness makes sense, but I hate basketball, and I like football, but I have no idea how the hell the determine who the best team is, or who plays in what bowls.
- Food network- seems like more and more of you, my friends, are watching the food network. Now this is something I have never even given a shot, but I still don’t see the appeal. I must be missing something. What is it? It just makes me want to eat, and I can’t cook like they can, so it just seems frustrating.
- UFC- another sport that is very popular and gaining popularity every day. I can appreciate the intensity, but I am somewhat embarrassed to say that I don’t really like watching it. Two grown, very sweaty men rolling around on a blood covered mat. It’s kind of disgusting to me.


Anonymous said...

Did we just become best friends?

Want to go do karate in the garage?

Well said all around. It took me three days to figure out what to comment, because really, you nailed it.

I listen to news talk radio all the time now. I used to restrict it to work days and only until 5. Then I discovered the Drew Remendez Sports show, and then tractor time dictated weekends were news talk time as well (unless rider games are on).

Soccer - fun to play, painful to watch

Food Network - ??? I understand some people like to cook, and like to learn new cooking techniques. But hey, I like carpentry, is there a carpentry channel? I like fixing broken farm machinery, is there a farm channel? I like sports, is there a...oh wait. I like music, is there a...oh yeah. Some people enjoy pornography, is there...

Unregardless, the food network is stupid. It's like being in the restaurant and seeing pictures in the menu. You know your food is never going to look that good.

I will have to agree to disagree on politics, though you do make good points. Common sense such as that is usually what is missing from politics. Someday I'll explain it all to you, and you can teach me why some firetrucks are yellow, while others are red.

Brody said...

That is an easy one. Some doush did a study one day that said that people notice the color yellow before the notice the color red. Then some one else (prob a politician) decided that fire tucks should be yellow. In the years since we came to our senses and realized that was stupid, and the trucks are WAY cooler when they are red and most of the new trucks are now once again red like they should be.

But I could still use a lesson on politics.

I have started Pod Casting the DR sports show when I am studying. Can get it On Demand on the web site. Money.

As for Karate... YES!

Anonymous said...

I don't get politics either DM, you may have to run a session one day for all of your stupid friend. To me it's just like kids fighting... here's a thought how about you run an ad on what you plan to do instead of cutting down what the other guy is doing, just a thought!

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